Flexible Instruction Days (FID)
Dear Parents & Guardians:
The PA Department of Education (PDE) approved the use of Flexible Instructional Days (FID) as an alternate form of instruction in place of a day that was formerly a school closure due to severe weather or emergency.
PDE has granted district’s the approval to use up to 5 FID’s during a school year. FID’s will be used districtwide. Days formerly classified as severe weather or emergency school closure may be used as a FID instead of using a make-up day in the district calendar.
The district will issue a notification through our parent notification system announcing a severe weather day as to whether the closing will be used as a FID or a traditional snow day.
FID’s are official school days, where attendance is taken, and a school schedule is followed. For more information, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/SHSDFID
Additionally, your individual building principal will send a follow up email at a later date with more specifics regarding the schedule and attendance.
Dr. Mick Iskric, Jr.
This document is intended as an overview of expectations for Flexible Instruction Days (FID). Additional information will be provided by each building’s administrators. Questions should be directed to your child’s teacher and/or building administration.