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Upcoming Events

PaTTAN Attract Prepare Retain Emotional Support Professional Learning Community Sessions for 24-25

There are six offerings in the evenings from 6 to 8 PM with networking opportunities from 7:30-8 PM. Our series will be focused on topics related to social emotional learning. We want all educators and families interested to join us.


Title of Session/Presenters

September 25


Trauma Informed Care from a Behavioral Perspective: Tips for Teachers

Dr. Jennifer Austin

Registration link:

October 30


Emotional Behavior- Teacher Tools for supporting students through dysregulation

Dr. Anne Linnehan

November 13


Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) in schools with educators and students part 1

Dr. Stuart Libman and Dr. Dana Paliliunas

December 11


Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) in schools with educators and students part 2

Dr. Stuart Libman and Dr. Dana Paliliunas

January 29


Data Informed Instruction- Meeting the needs of students with internalizing and externalizing behaviors

Dr. Kathleen Lane

March 5


Meeting ALL students SEL needs through compassion and research-based practices

Dr. Eva Allen 

Project Search & Future Ready Events

October 29, 9:00 at PaTTAN Future Ready Program:  Future Ready School District Open House

November 7, 9:00 a.m. at Hershey Med Center:  Project SEARCH School District Open House

November 14, 5:30 at CAIU Enola Office:  Project SEARCH & Future Ready (combined) Family Open House