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Admission of Students

Steelton-Highspire School District School Board Policy 201: Admission of Students

Enrollment Policy:


School age resident students and eligible nonresident students shall be entitled to attend district schools.[1][2][3][6]

The district shall not enroll a student until the parent/guardian has submitted proof of the student's age, residence, and immunizations and a completed Parental Registration Statement, as required by law and regulations.[1][2][3][7][8][9][10]

The district shall administer a home language survey to all students enrolling in district schools for the first time.[3][11]

The district shall normally enroll a school age, eligible student the next business day, but no later than five (5) business days after application.[3]

The district shall immediately enroll identified homeless students, even if the student or parent/guardian is unable to produce the required documents.[12]

The district shall not inquire about the immigration status of a student as part of the enrollment process.[3]

Enrollment requirements and administrative regulations shall apply to nonresident students approved to attend district schools, in accordance with Board policy.[13]

For more information about our admission policy, please click on this link. Once you are on the link, click Policies (top right) and then find Policy 200.

Admission of Students:

Nonresident Children Placed in Resident’s Home

Any child placed in the home of a district resident by a court or government agency shall be admitted to district schools and shall receive the same benefits and be subject to the same responsibilities as resident students.[12]

Residents of Institutions

A child who is living in or assigned to a facility or institution for the care or training of children that is located within this district is not a legal resident of the district by such placement; but s/he shall be admitted to district schools, and a charge shall be made for tuition in accordance with law.[10][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]

Former Residents:

Regularly enrolled students of the senior class whose parents/guardians have moved out of the school district may be permitted to finish the school year without payment of tuition when the parents/guardians move from the district after September 1.[5]

Regularly enrolled students whose parents/guardians have moved out of the school district may be permitted to finish the school year without payment of tuition when the parents/guardians move from the district after April 1.[5]

Other Nonresident Students 

A nonresident student may be admitted to district schools without payment of tuition where attendance is justified on the grounds that the student lives full-time and not just for the school year with district residents who have assumed legal dependency or guardianship or full residential support of the student.[7][8] 

The district shall immediately enroll homeless students, even if the student or parent/guardian is unable to produce the required documents, in accordance with Board policy, laws and regulations.[20]

 District employees who are currently employed full-time may have their children attend the school district free of tuition cost.


Steelton-Highspire School District School Board Policy 201: Admission of Students